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what are your favorite books on the topic?

i'm looking for some good books that will have comprehensive information to help get me going with recording, and some that will be good references to keep handy in the studio in the future, even after i've gotten a hang of the basics, to help with questions and problems that might pop up so i don't have to hekcle you guys here every time i can't figure something out.

need advice on self recording

Hey gang,,,,

I'll be working on my own project while i go thru learning curve of using all my gear.

My first thought was to have a nice sized room, where i could record aswell. ( on other side away from control desk area)..

Or to have minimum recomended sized control room connected to one mid sized recording room ( guitars, vocal)

Daily recording log - Remote recording of Piano and Voice

Yesterday was the first day of a five day remote recording session. This is a log of that session.

7 am Wake up get some breakfast

8 am Start checking over equipment for the start of the recording session. Check the software and the computer, check the microphones and the headphones, start getting together all the equipment needed for the recording.

How to record guitar and voice into laptop?

I am a acoustic and electric guitar player/songwriter and am trying to record guitar/vocal ideas into my laptop when I travel. I have a Pentium 4 laptop with 1 GB RAM, a minidisc player and may get a Line6 Guitar Port. Would you recommend an affordable USB preamp? I am trying to save from carrying the least equipment.
Your feedback is appreciated.

help needed with a preamp decision

Hi everyone

i'v been saving some $ for pre and I was thinking of the Great River MP2 MH. i was going to buy it, but now i saw a Focusrite ISA 215 for 2000$.
my questions is:
is it a good deal ?
there's the advantage of the eq, but is it a good preamp ? i'v done my search at the forum and there is nothing on it


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