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Pads for Syteks

Hello all. Just purchased the Sytek MPX-4Aii mic preamps, and will apparently need to pad down the signal in order to run the pres "hot" to my DAW. Any ideas about the most cost-effective way to achieve this?

I have a Mackie 1202-- will this work? I suppose I could run two channels through the main outs and two channels through the Auxes. Just wondering if there's a better way.

PREAMP Questions

I just converted my studio to digital ... and I am looking for advice on my pre-amp setup. I have 2 Focusrite octepre's, I am being told that I should just use them and that I basically have no need for me AMEK 9098 and my Focusrite Voicebox MKII.

I am assuming that is correct, just wanted to get your opinion prior to putting them on eBay.

Thanks All !

Anyone ever experiment with a Jecklin Schneider disk?

Hey all,

I wonder if anyone here has been curious enough to try either of these recording methods, and if so, please relay your experiences/success/failures.

I have a few commericial organ recordings made with an Aachen head, but haven't heard anything that I know of recorded with a Jecklin.

Just a little curiosity on a Sunday morning ...

Cheers! -M