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Would Dynaudio BM6As be underpowered? Monitor choice opinion

I've not heard nearly any bad opinions of the Dynaudio BM6a monitors but am
worried that they might be underpowered for my 20' X 13' room. I'm coming
from JBL 4208 powered by an Omniphonics 50 watt per side power amp and this
is capable of fairly blistering volumes given its output rating.
When tracking bands I normally have some of the band in the control room

help! video noise from spkrs!

getting noise from my audio monitors (Mackie HR824's that usually sound really nice). high pitch crinkle & whine. When I click & hold mouse the sound changes slightly then goes back to regular whine cycle when I let go. Different windows make slightly different noises. I've tried to seperate cables as much as possible. can USB cause this unwanted noise?

defining bass in a mix

Hey guys, I was wondering if you could help me out. I've been trying so hard to get a nice tight sound on the bottom end of my mixes. and no matter what I've tried so far it all comes out kinda bland with no real punch. The problem i'm having is seperating the bass and the kick to give them their own space. I monitor through M-Audio SP-5B's which I suspect is a contributing factor.

Routing gear Digidesign 002

Right now I have: Mackie HR824's, Behringer HR400 headphone amp, dbx376, Bellari RP503, BBE 882, (2) RNP/RNC. As of now the BBE isn't even connected to the 002, and the RNP/RNC's aren't connected to the outs, so I can't use them as inserts in Pro Tools. I plan on getting two more pre's/compressors and another channel strip within the next few weeks.