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a tracker with sheet music-ike interface?

First off, I don't know anything. I'm totally new to playing with this stuff.

I've looked at several "trackers" . Modplug, Fast Tracker, Acid Pro ... and each of them seems to use a grid style interface for composing music. Are there any programs or plugins that allow you to write music in a sheet music style?


problem... only two pre's

I will be using an 1820m for a recording in the very near future and just stumbled on the fact that only the first two inputs have pre's built in... submixing a drumkit is not my personal idea of fun, so would it be ok to only use pre's for two of the mics? I'll be using four mics, two of which used for OH's, so I'm guessing that the snare and kick are the lucky winners in the Pre lottery...

good softsynth that will work with Pro Tools

What's a good softsynth with an arpeggiator that will work with Pro Tools? Also does anyone make an arpeggiator plugin for Pro Tools or is there any way to use a VSTi in Pro Tools. I can't find many softsynths that work with Pro Tools and all the ones I've found so far don't have any arpeggiators.

using monitors for listening mp3

Hi everybody. I'm total newbie here. I was thinking about buying speakers and amp for listening CD's and mp3's like some regular home audio system. What do you think about using active monitors instead of some tower speakers for that? If it's not crazy idea could you please recommend me some gear for that. I wanna hook up CD player and computer where I have mp3's.