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Need HELP On Equipment Advice

Hello People... I am an acoustic guitarist who mostly does solo albums, but sometimes I do add orchestra type sounds to the mix. Usually I record in 2 to 3 tracks only. Coming from an 8 track digital recorder and found it a little limiting as far as the tracks are concerned. I'd like to move into the DAW computer realm.

Share your recording log sheet?

I've never been a note taker, but I really should start keeping a log sheet when I record.

If anyone has a sheet that works particularly well, I'd love to see it or at least know what you track during a session.

Or if you know of a sample logsheet on the www somewhere, I'd be grateful for the link. I looked a bit and came up empty.


ZOOM MRS/PS04 Phrase/Song/Pattern Editors Now Available

Hi all,

If you want more flexibility to create/edit/manipulate songs, patterns, phrases, and audio takes of your ZOOM MRS/PS-04 projects, then look at:


The editors allow you to easily create/manipulate rhythm patterns and songs, including powerful audio take manipulation functions not found on the ZOOM machine.


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