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Direct boxes/ preamps/ audio interfaces?

I have very recently bought a Lynx Lynxone soundcard, I got a good price on it which was too good to pass up. However my scant knowledge of the DAW means that now I'm without a breakout box I'm unsure as to the best means of inputting audio and midi to the card. I play guitar and bass and will want to mike up acoustic instruments.

can computer/programs handle multiple imputs simultaneously?

i can of course use a stereo out from a mixer into a stereo imput into a computer card jack, but i want to be able to record seperate tracks simultaneously and edit them seperately like i could on a multitrack tape player. this has to be possible on a pc, but how?

isolation headphones

hi, all, I'm thinking about getting some isolation heaphones as I record in one fairly large room. If they really do cut out all external sound and just let you hear the monitor signal that'd be brilliant. But do they really work that well? How much external sound can they cut out? Can you be in a room with loud guitar drums etc and only hear through the desk?

M-Audio Audiophile 2496 wav recording

Okay, having bought one of these beasts, upgraded significantly from SB Live 5.1, I find that everything I put in via my Behringer Mixer into the rca in, gets distorted. It seems hard to get a decent sound into the mixer...or is it out of the mixer because the sound levels go into the red on the Audiophile Monitor Mixer (on the pc).

Any other beat makers can tell me a good beat/ midi setup?

I am not using midi yet. I need some tips on setting it up.

Write now i use:
Boss Dr 660
Korg Micro Korg

I want to get the 2 new Alesis Synths, anybody used em?

I also want a MPC2000xl or 4000, How are they?

I plan to get a Yamaha Motif, which 1 is best? A Korg Triton Studio or Extreme. A Roland rack module and a Korg trinity module.

All mixmasters out there, I need some mix Help.

What up all?

I want to know what is the volume a radio track has to be, or any industry track. Bcuz every album ive bought seems to be equal volumes, some of my mixes were a little low.

Also Can I have some tips as to know if my mixes are heading in the right direction (Master In the yellow etc.)

I record at 48 then convert to 44.1 when bounced.