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Any Groove Tubes "The Brick" users out there?

I just read on another post where someone said The Brick is basically a Vipre just on one setting. Now I doubt this is true but I have been reading where people say it makes a great tube mic preamp. I've been wanting to get a good tube pre and was just wondering how this would compare to say a UA 610 or single channel Manley? Thankx


Only getting sound out of one monitor. can someone help?

I purchased a pair of m-audio studiophile BX5 monitors and hooked them up to my m-audio 410 firewire audio interface. The problem is that I'm only getting sound out of one of the monitors. The TRS inputs are running from the monitors to the analog 1 and 2 inputs. Apparently the analog 1 input is doing its job, but no luck with the second.

The Best Acoustical CDs or Records you know of

I have been listening to a lot of well recorded acoustic music CDs and records (you know those big black CDs with a small center hole ) over the holidays and was wondering if others on this forum would care to give me their "favorite" listing of others that they thought were well done. Thanks

Here are a couple to start off with...from my list of favorites: (Not in any order)

Mastering compressor: color vs transparent?

Hi guys. I read a while back about you guys using two compressors when mastering. A "colored" comp to add some flavor to the mix and then a Clean compressor to level everything out. Im just curiouse which compressors do you consider right for this type of jobs. Mention some brands and in what category would they fall ?

-Mastering mainly heavy rock music.
-forget about budget

need help making my riff stand out in the mix!

i have loud, heavily distorted rhythm guitar panned full left and full right... and i have a fairly simple riff played at several points during the song

right now i have it right in the centre or the mix. but it still gets lost among the other guitars, and sounds too trebly when i turn up the fader