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recording help!

Hi guys, I am new to the recording thingy so I have a bunch of questions! this saturday I am going to record a violin and piano piece and I need to know how far the piano or violin have to be to the 2 mics do pick up eachother. I also wanted to know some equlizer tips for both of the insturments. I am using Adobe adution with a mobliepre and a M audio mic. Thanks soo much!

Omni's or Cardioid's for Drumover heads?

Hey guys as some of you may have seen on a previous post I'm trying to decide on some new overheads. My basic problem now is deciding on cards or omni's. The mics i'm looking at are, Josephson C42's (card's) Earthworks TC30's (omni's) or SRO's or I've also been turned on to the Avenson's (omni's). For rock and country overheads. Card or Omni?

My first music mix. Comments welcomed...

I recently got finished mixing and mastering 6 new songs for my brothers band, "Dear Vanity". Previously, I'd only done sound editing for video projects and some simple mastering, so being able to finally be in charge of mixing an album from scratch was a real treat. Even though they couldn't pay me, I still agreed to do it just for the experience.