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recording speech while Skydiving

Hi all, I am new around here.
First a quick who am I.
I work for a local radio station in Queensland Australia, I am the Drive producer. I have always worked in sound somehow or another, growing up I taught guitar at the local music store.

My question is, I am fairly new to recording sound outdoors, and wind is becoming a real pain in the backside.

SPL PASSEQ hardware version? any users out there with an opinion?

been hmmming and hawwwwing over this for about year now I'm looking for another passive eq, i have a minimassive and a massive passive i find those two worlds apart. the massive has serious heft and i find it coloured in a good way but doesn't work for everything. the mini is my favorite eq bar none its just quite limited. any one use the SPL PASSEQ for mastering duties.

Output settings

Hello everyone. I have a problem with Pro Tools 10. I'm using windows 8.1. Whenever I turn on Pro Tools I get an error (picture below). When I restart my DAW, it works fine, but sound from my PC dissapears (music files, browsers, movies). As I'm new with music recording I watch a lot of tutorials, and I need for youtube and Pro Tools working at the same time.