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Forum Style Suggestions

I want to add a few different styles for us. Maybe 3. This one, a dark one and a different one. Oh, and a special one just for the festive season.:)

NOTE: We are using XenForo so if you find a theme (style/skin) one that you particularly like, let us know by posting a link to it.
If enough people like a particular skin, I may add it to the choices.

Did my Rat pedal blow my input tube?

A week or so ago I was jamming with my BYOC Mouse pedal (vintage Rat clone) and at points I had the volume and gain at full into my JCM800 2203 100w head. The amp was fine then, but then I switched to my 808 OD pedal and played for a little bit and then I heard a pop sound and the amp got really quiet.