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Cheap recording equipment advice

So I got a few hundred dollars to spend on my studio set-up, all in the name of some deep house and dirty techno. I have say $300. Obviously I'm not looking for pristine audio quality here. I have some decent plugins and my Midas f24 lets me take advantage of that along with some cool modules from my eurorack. I'm looking for a little flava flava.

I've been thinking

Instrument to line level loop


I'm looking for something to convert instrument level to line level, and back to instrument level so i can insert my line level rack effects onto live instruments. Ive looked at the morley effects loop but it doesn't say if it goes from instrument to line (+4). Ive contacted them a week ago but yet to hear back.

any other suggestions out there?

Volume control for Active Speakers

I'm looking for an analog volume control knob to put between my Firewire soundcard (MOTU 896mk3) and Active monitors (Focal Twin6)
I don't want to just lower the volume in my DAW or on the soundcard because it'll reduce the bit depth resulting in a lower quality signal at the DA stage of my soundcard. I'd like to keep all 24bits in use.