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AzzXaA My Friend..

...from Sweden has a problem. I sent him here for OPUS 2000 to show him how to repair it with tweaks and tricks.

His name is Jespar. (pronounced Yesper)

His text.
Hey everyone!
I were wondering whats the best thing would be for my computer when I record and mix audio!
Shall I buy a better processor or more RAM or a faster HDD with memory?

tranfers from 1" 24 track 15ips with dolby s, any i

I have a client with material on a 1" tape. We have been told that they think it is 24 track 15ips with dolby s, but maybe, just maybe it is 16 track with dbx reduction. Anybody out there have any idea where I might get this done. checked with transfermat at toy specialist, and they are not optomistic.



Line Audio CM2

Hey recording gurus! Has anyone tried the Line Audio CM2 mics? I'm out to buy a pair of small diaphragm mics and they look decent. I want a pretty flat frequency response, cardioid pattern and if possible; omni, but that's not necessary. I need a reasonably low noise, as I'm recording a lot of finger-picked classic guitar. And of cource, a good price.

PT MIX X PT HD @ 44.1k/24bits

Hi friends!
Seems this is my first post on this forum page..

I use PT Mix 5.1.1 with 2 ADAT bridges light piped to an 02R, mostly at 44.1k/24 bits. I know this is weird and hard to quantize, but assuming two different situations that I present below.. what are the advantages in each case, in terms of percentage:

a) PT MIX x PT HD both at 44.1k/24 bits