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PT MIX X PT HD @ 44.1k/24bits

Hi friends!
Seems this is my first post on this forum page..

I use PT Mix 5.1.1 with 2 ADAT bridges light piped to an 02R, mostly at 44.1k/24 bits. I know this is weird and hard to quantize, but assuming two different situations that I present below.. what are the advantages in each case, in terms of percentage:

a) PT MIX x PT HD both at 44.1k/24 bits

Record, mi and master INSIDE the box X OUTSIDE...

Hi friends!
I kno this question has created lots of controversy and even been covered ( biased in fact) at some pro magazines in the US...

I myself record/mix with a PRO TOOLS MIX system v 5.1.1 with waves/TC Plugs with 32 outs lightpiped to an 02R at 44k/24 bits most of the time.

Two Issues

One, Wavesquit doing preview and I have the real time checked.

What gives?


I am going to upgrade my hardrive (main) to a much larger unit (0.2Tbytes).

In XP, will the operating system work without having to replace it? I have been told any hardware upgrades dictate that XP is rendered useless and considered a "hack" or a "crack" job.

Plug it innnn. plug it innnn!

I have a VERY humble recording apparatus at my disposal, namely: Dell 333 PII, Turtle Beach Montego soundcard, Cool edit pro, Cakewalk Pro 8, Windows 98 OS. Could I benefit from a plugin , especially a freeware program, that will allow me to better control the ability to further improve the sound of my mixes/demos? I know it's out there.

Aardvark Q10 and preamp help

I am not sure if this is the right forums to post this

I just got a studio projects vtb-1 and i am wondering what would be the best way to connect it to the Q10
should i run through the inserts or the inputs on the front of the interface?
is anyone else using these two in conjunction with each other?
any help would be greatly appreciated

thank you!

Digital vs. Analog Mixer

OK folks...this one is bound to spark some debate...

I am about to make a change to my studio setup as follows:

I am using Cubase SX, have a Tascam US-428 as a control surface, and an old POS analog mixer that I use for monitoring only (nothing that gets recorded goes through the Tascam or the mixer).

My plan has been to add 2 pieces of gear: