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HR824 sub freq

I was in a local studio not long ago and they had Mackie'824s. At first I thought they sounded really good, although they seemed to have an exagerated bottom end.
I asked the engineer about the sub, and he replied " There isn't any. We shut it off, there was to much bottom end." As it was, everything I was hearing was from the

dbx 160 vs. dbx 161

Does anyone know the significant difference between the dbx 160 and the dbx 161 besides balanced vs unbalanced? is it only the transformers?

I have inherited a pair of 161 and would like to make them into the 160 if it is at all a reasonable project.

any advice, info, links would be hugely appreciated!


"save target as" does not work any longer on IE

I want to download mp3 backing tracks so I can play over them but when I right click on the link, the "save target as" option is not highlighted/enabled.

I always used to be able to right click and save the target but for some reason it stopped working a few months ago.

I have Windows 98.

Any thoughts or suggestions?



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