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a bit old skool- P4 1.6a / BG7 ocing

Many moons ago I set out to build a DAW. Almost there. Running a 1.6a overclocked. Since I havene't been in here in forever, any quick thought you have about doing this? So far I was up to 2.4 GHZ and when I ran SiSandra burn in (10x) the core temp went up to (only?) 48 degrees C. Is this good? I have the following rig:

Can someone please suggest sensible video cards for P4PE

I know nothing about video. :confused: I just want to be sure I get a sensible card for the DAW I'm building. I can't remember the last time I played a game and video quality is not that important to me as long as it's generally acceptable. Maybe I'm wrong, but I doubt I need a high dollar card principally to perform audio tasks. Of course, I don't want visual interference.

cooling my ANUS

so I used the Zalman flower heat sink and fan (variable control) in my new ANUS because it is reportedly quiet. I also used the Enermax 350W P/S with the variable speed control for the same reason. Currently i have both fans running high and it's pretty loud. Obviously I can turn them both down, but I do not know what are acceptable temps for the mobo (P4PE) and P4 2.4B.

Dell fans

This is a little off topic in that it does not have to do with using a PC as a DAW. I've got my p4b266 in an Antec Plus1080 case. It has the obvious power supply fan, two fans on the back and one on the door. It is certainly not super quiet, though no more noisier than my old IBM Aptiva 166 which appears to just have the power supply fan.


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