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Can anyone suggest a good book on basic recording techni

Hello again,
Rather than bothering you guys and clogging your forum with basic questions, perhaps you guys can point me to a good basics book? I've seen a couple, but I don't know which are good, and which aren't worth the paper they are printed on... Or are books even the way to go? (If not, then how else can I learn the basics?) :confused:

Acappella Recording Project - Advice ?

I will be recording an acappella group later this week, in a church building (medium size, but not too bad as far as bright echoes). There will be about 16 singers, 4 or so per section (soprano, alto, tenor, bass). I'm planning to have them stand in a rough semicircle in 4 separate groups, maybe 5 feet apart, maybe less.

Midi problem...Any midiots out there?

I have several midi devices. One is a Roland M-VS1 module. I set the midi receive to channel 4. It still receives on other channels...WHY? I use a Fatar 88 key midi controller.
I can enable midi track 2 in Cubase and it will trigger the sounds of this module...Everything is on Midi channel 2..I don't get it?

I only want it to receive on channel 4 and that's it!