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Podcasting help - Audacity only recording half the conversation

A buddy of mine and I started a podcast last year with one usb mic and Audacity...had a blast. We know nothing about audio.

Year #2..

We have a Behringer 1204 USB mixer and a JK Audio Telephone Hybrid and want to take calls. We are also looking to connect phone/iPod to play sound effects, etc

Replacing a 10 year old Soundcraft

We have been using a Soundcraft K2/40 for a little over ten years. It is time for a change as the board is malfunctioning. We plan to stay analog with the next board because it fits our needs and the pricing is in our budget. We have been looking at the Soundcraft GB8/40, the Allen & Heath GL3800/40 and the Crest Audio HP8/40.

Which of these is the best interface for my needs?

Hi everyone!

Alright so I am having trouble deciding which of these interface to purchase to get into recording.

I am currently narrowed it down to a Focusrite Liquid Saffire 56, RME Fireface 800 (used), or a Apogee Ensemble (used).

I am looking to record drums with a 4-mic set up.
Also recording guitar and bass at the same time would be a plus.

XLR Y adapter phantom power question

I've recently started a band with a couple friends and we want to record some songs live in studio (I use the word studio loosely).

I use the standard two overhead mics on my drumset and I was wondering: could I use a XLR Y adapter (2 male to 1 female) to plug them into the same input and have both mics still get phantom power and all that? I need to free up an input for the bass.

Where do i put a 414 to record a kit for demo?

I'm thinking figure 8 between kick snr? its Pre production w/ a decent metal (more galloping, than 32's on kick) I'm gonna just go to their spot and catch them on a portastudio, nothing more than pre work, but i'm still interested in opinions as to getting the overall drums. Its just to kinda 'hear' the stuff for the band members, which put on a decent show.