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worth posting your info on music pros sites?

I am trying to get more into marketing the studio I have and have been wondering if it would be worth trying to find some "music industry professionals" websites to set up profiles on. I had looked at one today and they want a few bucks for the "professional profile". Anyone had a great deal of success or failure with this kind of thing.

recording audition tapes for cellist +/-piano

My son is a cellist getting into the advanced student range. My videography and sound recording have not kept pace! My goals are two fold: (1) a compact system for recording concerts where I am just sitting in the audience, with or without space for a tripod but only having a mike mounted on or near the camera, and (2) making live recordings of solo cello or cello + piano for auditions, e.g.

Ways To Get Paid As A Studio Owner

Lets list some ways to get paid as a studio owner.
Either Project or Top of the line.

One Main thing is to get your own use out of your studio...Assuming your either a Engineer, musician, vocalist, or producer.. Owner should only be one hat worn.

Meaning the studio should be a place for you to practice you're craft.. and rent it out as an income as well...

tuning and pitch correction

Hello, this is the first time that i make a post in this forum so sorry if i am a bit ignorant: p. I use to practice with my band in the building of a recording studio. The point is that when we went to make a recording the sound engineer, or whatever you want to call him, was correcting the pitch of the singer (who by the way sucked).