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cables we never think about...

Okay. So normally when I am recording on location I am the master of redundancy and backup recording (duh). Two nights ago I went to record my wife's high school orchestra holiday concert with of course narrator for a Dickens Christmas story/arrangement. First off, I didn't roll out the HD24XR and I didn't bring my usual trust flash recorder either.

New Tascam 8516B, First impressions with tape

Ok, picked up this with remote, extra cards, 8 rolls of Quantagy (1) not open, MRL Cal tape, Degauser, splice blck, +4 interface and take up reels. Got it for 700, thing looks practically brand new. OK, so I did a quick test to pass some audio straight out of my la 610 with a beta 57 on an acoustic, just to see if I could get everything going, I did.

Whats the best processor for my system? help me please!

I'm running windows 7 and using Pro Tools for audio/visual post production etc. I'm finding that my Processor can't really handle the work load when I use things like Omnisphere in conjunction with video. So I'm updating my ram from 2GB to 4GB and trying to find the best possible processor that's compatible with my system.

Recording long duration without power

Unsure of where to post and this seemed most accurate. I am doing a project about blindness and reliance on other senses. I am going to follow my cousins on a hunting trip and want to record the audio the entire time. Later I will edit this audio down. The problems are lack or power source for most of it. What should I buy that can record a week of audio without needing more power?

Is there a better alternative to Soundcloud?

Soundcloud seems useful as it works on HTML 5 and iPhones, but unless you pay the expensive membership, you can't embed a player into your website (just a bunch of little cloud players), plus the quality of the song is not the best.
The ReverbNation player is great, but it won't work on iOS devices.