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Buying computer components on E--B-a-y

Ok I have been browsing E-b-a-y to look at prices for some items to put together a new computer system that will be used as a home audio unit. I have seen some really good prices but am still weary about buying anything like this on that site. For starters there is really no warranty of products in many regards. I have seen great deals on processors, RAM, fans, etc.

stereo imaging for pros!

Hello everybody!
I proudly present the first plugin that tells you where to put the mics!
Its a little application that I wrote in Flash. It calculates with the "stereo recording angle" (SRA). You can use it to find the right arrangement for your mics at a stereo recording. Its also nice just for understanding how stereo imaging works... Just check it out!

choosing monitoring headphones

Hey everyone,

I need some urgent feedback and help on choosing between 4 headphone monitors, and since the local vendors don't actually have these models, I'm having it shipped and so I can't try any of them till I actually buy them. I HAVE done quite a bit of research, and I have narrowed it down to these 4 - 5 models.