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Record Too High Or To Low

hey, i record with a at2020 usb condenser microphone and i notice that when i record vocals(with Audacity) i am too loud to the point where it clips or am too low where i can barely hear my question is,is their a certain software that will monitor the recording to keep it from clipping and going to low in sound? Or do i have to deal with it and use EQ?thanks.

Recording a percussive acoustic guitar

I am currently recording my own songs in my home studio. I play finger style acoustic with some rhythmic slapping with my thumb. So my guitar tracks have an obvious slapping sound throughout. It sounds cool on an acoustic recording but i am worried that when the song is fully produced (drums and all) it will just sound like noise.


more than 90percent of the time i use plugins to do mixes. what my question is...

say i put a limiter on a track, so the levels stay below clipping, but on the compressor that is also on the track, is clipping. does this matter? should i try to also keep my compressor under clipping level even though the main track is not clipping? thank you.


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