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C414 XLS vs C414 XL II for Overheads

This is the kind of post I hate to make because I know the real answer is "listen and decide for yourself" - but I have to special order some mics in and will not be able to A/B them. I'll be using these for lots of applications, but their primary use for me is going to be as drum overheads, that's where they'll live 95% of the time.

Please help, totally new to this

Let me preface this by saying that I have next to no knowledge about gear or recording techniques. I am here because I need help setting up my equipment and I have no idea how to even begin. Also, I apologize if I am a.) posting in the wrong place, b.) repeating a previous post, or c.) not supposed to be posting here at all.

Best Way to Record Acoustic Guitar?

I have an Ibanez acoustic electric and an Audio-Technica AT3035 condenser mic. I've been getting half decent sounds mixing with the Ibanez' preamp/eq for straight in recording and with just Micing the guitar, but it could be much better. Maybe there's a low budget mic good for picking up acoustic guitar, I don't know.

What Is A Good Interface For Recording In My Home Studio?

I am setting up a home studio and am not sure of a good interface to use between my instruments and my computer. I will be getting a new home desktop PC just for the studio at a later date and am not worried about that yet. I want a nice interface that can help me by remembering setting of all types for the tracks I work on, etc.