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How many NARAS members do we have here?

Just curious.

I was invited to join years ago and pushed the paperwork aside - lately wondering if there is any benefit to membership - in terms of being a studio owner. (especially one who thinks most of the stuff they give awards to every year is crap)

Next I'll be yelling at kids to get off my lawn and talking about how much a Hershey bar cost when I was a kid.

StudioLive 16.4.2 and express card firewire interface

Hello, friends!

I'm newbie here but I have recording audio by years..

I'm thinking about use a presonuns StudioLive16.4.2 (or 2 linked units) with a dual core notebook that have not a firewire port so I would buy a firewire express card.

Does anybody knows if these firewire express cards are ok with the studiolives?

Very Thanx!

Are soundcards required anymore?

At what level of audio production is a soundcard needed anymore?

Modern motherboards have onboard audio and there are even some with SoundBlaster onboard and SPDIF. CPU and bus speeds are incredibly fast such that dedicated processors on a sound card aren't perhaps as necessary as they used to be. Audio devices can be connected via USB or Firewire directly to the motherboard.

Can you hear difference on few db?

I know that my current speakers is from 65hz to 23kHz +/- 3db but if my speakers were +/- 2db or even +/- 1db would you hear a difference? I kinda wonder if anything 3db or lower is basically very flat response for speakers. I just don't know if you can hear the difference. I think only a machine can detect the difference right?

New DAW system really messed up

I recently upgraded my music studio system to an HP Core i7/862, 8GB RAM, 1 TB HDD (7200 RPM), and an M-Audio Fast Track Ultra interface. This system came with Windows 7 64-bit. I have Cubase 5.0, Finale 2010, WaveLab 4.0, and recently purchased and installed Komplete 7.0. (I have had NI's B4II for a long time and recently downloaded an update to it).

Can someone recommend a mixer for me? (computer based set up)

I've got an M-audio audiophile 2496 interface, and I was thinking about going with a Berhinger XENYX 1204, but am open to other options. Looking for affordable.

Just looking to do one track at a time recording, with probably a SM57>mixer>2496 interface>Reaper.
