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pro tools le 8 compressor question...sidechain?

Hi everyone I was just wondering if anyone could explain to me the side chain feature on the stock compression plugin in pro tools le 8. Dyn 3.0 is where my settings have been saving in. Im interested in learning how to sidechain kick drum and bass to make the kick stand out more, and any other uses you may have found useful with it.


Recording Live now with a horn section

I'm recording a band with a horn section, not too experience with horns especially in a live in the studio scenario

There's an sax, not even sure if it's an alto or tenor and a trombone. I did a rehearsal recording for them and used a 57 on each, it came out pretty well considering drums, electric guitar are blaring away as well.

Yamaha P155 + USB Storage Device + Mac OS X 10.6.4 : USB Device Not Working


I am trying to transfer songs recorded on the Yamaha P155 using a USB Storage device to a Macintosh computer. Unfortunately Yamaha mention the keyboard's documentation that to accomplish transferring songs between a computer and a P155 keyboard using a USB storage device one must install their "Musicsoft Donwload Software" which is only available for Windows PC.


I've been recording on my mac with Cubase le and sometimes garage band. I record my band, starting with a scratch track. which usually ends up sounding better than the finished product. For guitar, I use a regular mic (because it's all I have) and Micing the amplifier. This is what everyone I've talked to has told me to do. What type of mic should i be using for that?

The myth of mobile recording with Firewire audio interfaces

Why is it that many manufacturers of firewire audio interfaces advertize that they are bus powered and thus good for field recording, when virtually no notebooks come with 6 pin firewire connects? I think except for a Mac or two, virtually all pc's are 4 pin, and I am almost certain that they must be 6 pin to provide power.