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Recording Big Band on Sunday - Help!

Recording a local Big Band tomorrow and wanted some advice.

The band is made up of
Guitar, Bass, Drums, Piano, Percussion, 2 Flutes, Trumpets, Trombones and Saxes (about 8 in each of the brass sections.
There will be 2 soloists

We're recording in a fairly dead theatre with an audience (although it's all about the recording)

i want my mixes to sound lo fi

So I just got LogicStudio9 since it was a ridiculous price at my university and have been loving it. The sound quality is so crisp and professional sounding, which is awesome for some songs that I work on, but not so much for others. I make a lot of indie-ish, music which I want to have that gritty lo fi sound as if it were recorded using the sh*ttiest of the tape decks or something.

Is this sub dead?

My 15 inch sub used in my studio is giving an intermittant fault. It kicks in and out. Unfortunately the light for the sub is on the back and takes a bit of crawling to see (its a heavy beast to move) but I can see that the power light goes off when it silences. it runs through a 'kettle' type power lead and I have swapped this lead over so, its not the lead.


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