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orchestra drop snake

So here is the question. How many pairs do you guys normally buy/build your snakes for orchestral recordings? It is rare that I use more than 2-4 mics but I used to use the occasional spots that would bring the count up. Anyone going with a modular setup? Say for lack of a better term detachable fans or boxes with various lengths of main snake.


In-wall fiberglass insulation question

I am building a small scale studio in the near future. i will be building the stud framing out of 2" x 6"'s to add a bit more space for insulation to dampen the audio from both the inside and out. I am debating if I should use R-19 or R-24 fiberglass insulation for the in wall insulation. I would have gone with spray in, but it doesn't last that well over the long run.

Recommend me a processor/mobo combo

I recently purchased an m-audio profire 2626. I'm going to be running it with Pro-tools 8 on my windows Vista (or XP, if that's better) . I got it all setup today but I think my processor is probably a bit too slow. I'm experiencing peaked-out processor with only a few tracks and a few basic plugins. Here are my system specs: