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Clipping with the Scarlett internal preamp

HI all, I have a Scarlett 18i8 that I bought so that I could mic my drums which it does fine but I noticed that when I went to mic my vocals I clip with the louder decibels. I haven't really experimented with compression and/or limiters) I ventured and bought a better mic to solve the problem. Not the best but a nice AKG C314 . But I'm still clipping when my vocals start to rise in volume.

Bass guitar, acoustic guitar, electric guitar ONE pedal?

Hi! Right now I have a Digitech BP90 bass pedal and I like the outboard effects because they are quick to navigate different presets with the foot and all. I also own an Acoustic and i'm planing on getting an electric.
My question is, is it possible to find one pedal that's good for all three guitars?

Samplitude Eq116 High Freq (High SelF) octav question

i use eq116 for mastering.
there are two types of high shelf mode 6db oct and 12db oct for high self. but
the senses are different.
Which one do you usually prefer? 6db oct or 12db oct for High Freq Shelf Eq ? (eq116)

every music is different ok but, I'm really curious about the overall approach


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