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Newbie wants to record

I have an acoustic guitar and a voice and I'd like to record them. I'm a poor student so I can't afford much. I need to know what type of mics I should be looking for. I already have a nice sound card with a mic input and preamp. I just need mics. What's the cheapest option I could get away with so that the recording doesn't sound like crap?

Windows 7

Well if you are a PC Win7 has come out this week, I know that several people here have been using the beta version for quite awhile. I have a dual boot system Vista Home and XP Pro using the latter when I am using the DAW. Just a little sceptical of upgrading the recording OS because everything is working great, not sure if there is really an advantage to changing anything.

Recording Bass Direct: Any tips?

Hi there,

I'm recording (and playing) electric bass for an album I'm working on. I'm a guitar player and have never recorded electric bass before. I've had good success Micing an acoustic bass but this is all new to me.

I've asked around and the general consensus is that recording direct is the way to go with my set-up (not having a bass amp and living in a townhouse). :)

need some help

Hello everyone I'm 20 years old just starting out and looking to build a home studio but don't know where to start and what equipment I should buy. I already have a mac book pro and I'm about to buy Pro Tools for it. I have about a $3500 - $4000 budget to work with to buy equipment and build the studio and I have a few questions about what to do.


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