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SM 59 Trouble Shooting

I have two of these really cool looking mics but they both have the same problem. They both are very very sensitive to movement and won't work right unless held upside down. it sounds like they have loose parts that fell off inside the capsule. I get signal but its chaotically noisy unless held at a certain angle. Can I buy capsules for them?

New to recording.

Hi, I'm new here. I'm also new to recording. I've been looking into some recording gear, and I'm a bit confused with phantom power and preamps. The Korg D888 looks nice to me, but I'm not sure if I would need a preamp along with it. It has phantom power right in the console. So my question is: do I need a preamp if my console has phantom power?

problem with my mixes sounding empty

Hi everyone!

Righty, 1st things 1st. My gear,

MOTU pre-8 (x2, I optically link 2 giving me 16 chanells)
Yamaha hs50 monitors with sub.
Cubase SX
ART V3 Preamp
Assortment of Sontronic condensers and Shure mics for vocals, guitars drums etc. Condensers are used on vocals and overheads, dynamics on guitars/drum heads etc.


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