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Record at 24bit - 48KHz = play back is sharper


Does anyone know why this happens: e.g. I record a note (D) on my flute at 24bit - 48KHz, it plays back as the same note in Cubase 4 LE then when I mix the track down to 16bit - 44KHz and play the new .wav file in windows media player or VLC the sound is much sharper in pitch nearly a F.

Using a sound level meter for audio recording


what do you think about using a Bruel & Kjaer Sound Level Meter (2238 Mediator) for audio recording?
I'm thinking to use unweight (linear) analog output direct to Logic Pro.
The B&K mic is almost perfectly flat and of course has a really great preamp.

What do you think? is this a good option vs an AKG 414 for example?

Thank you.

Can I use my SM57 and i5 at the same time?

I have done this before with bad results because the mics are so similar that they create problems and audio artifacts and such. Is there a way that I can however use them at the same time to mic my amp? I believe that they both result in good sound that is different and adds to eachother nicely. Hopefully there is a smart way of doing this.

Which audio editing program for PC?

I'm on a budget and am looking for a great audio/music editing program for my PC. Which would you choose? I'm just a beginner with recording and won't be doing a whole lot of it. I usually do live sound for events and outreaches. So, I don't really need anything top of the line. I know how to use Logic, but I don't have a Mac.