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Looking for some suggestions on recording equipment...

Hello guys, I'm kaehyu, new here; first post. :)

I was redirected here from the head-fi forums.

I need a little help starting up a small (for now) recording set-up for acoustic guitar and vocals and possibly other acoustic instruments. We'll be recording to my computer... but the thing is, we really don't know where to stat; we don't really know much about studio gear.

New To Tube Heads

A few years back I purchased a Crate Blue Voodoo 60w tube head. Ive recently heard about tube replacing and would like to know more about it. Since I've had it, I have never changed the tubes, and who knows about the previous owner(s). How can I diagnose my tubes, and what (if needed) should they be replaced with? I know very little about this head!

Professionalism - what is it?

So, I'm in the middle of a job from hell, FOH at a local college campus, in a musical theatre setting, so I've got the band and stage and lead singers to worry about, but I've also got all of the soundcues (fx and suchlike) that I'm having to sync up with the show, and it's been a bloody nightmare - not because of anything that's going on there, but because of the kids I'm working with.

Correct way to double a guitar?

Hi. I want to know what is the correct way to have the same guitar on each channel (left/right)? Ive done one track, cloned it, put one left and one right. Then i offset one a bit so there's not phase issues but i cannot get the channels to sound tight. it just sounds like a crappy delay effect is on. Must i do a second track and get it exactly perfect to the first or is there other ways?