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Getting the amp off the floor.

Is this done to avoid reflections (from/off the floor) or to minimize vibrations, say up through the mic stand and into the mic? Or both?

Additionally, is there really a preference as to how high? If for the reflection issue, couldn't you just tilt it back?

Lastly, should a stand that permits the least amount of resonance be chosen...if for vibration?

What is the BEST MoBo/CPU/RAM Combo for DAW's?

Hello everyone, I am new to the forums and I was hoping to get some help with a DAW that I am going to be building.

I have one right now, old, out of date, made with spare parts, and I am not happy with it. Now that tax time is upon us and my nice refund is eminent, I have begun researching for some sweet gear.

M-Audio Defective products

Is this true that M-Audio products don't have long? Someone said that they got 10 keyboards and only 1 worked perfectly fine and others were defected. I need to know this since if My BX5a monitors arent that good then probley I should get the Edirol MA-15D since they told me that Edirol and Roland are much better brand and they had no problems.

Question about Glyph GT 062

I'm interested in picking up a Glyph GT 062 Hard Drive but I can't figure one thing out. Since it supports RAID 0 and 1 is it actually the size its shown to be or is it half of that? For example if I got a 500gb one, would it actually be 250gb?

If you've used one of these drives and have experience with them let me know.

Interfacing outboard converters

This is probably just idle curiosity considering my financial situation, but I'm a little confused about how people with outboard converters typically interface with their computers. I realize that a lot of people have "legacy" interfaces that have converters and pres, and put their outboard converters through these. But say you are designing a a system from scratch.