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Could I use this setup?

I'm a drummer and I'm gonna be recording my drums and other instruments...

I have the MOTU 8pre interface and an 8 channel mixer with 8 direct outs.

Now I don't want to keep having to plug and unplug mics and cables from the MOTU so I was thinking...

Have everything go into the mixer and then keep the 8 direct outs going into the back of the Motu.

Recording Jazz Trio on limited equiptment help please

Hello everyone, Im being faced with a challenge, i need to record a jazz trio, my gear is limited to a mixer an 8 track recorder, only can record 2 tracks at a time, and half a dozen mics 2 large condensers 2 small, and 2 dynamics

What would be the best way to go about this, instruments in trio are Piano, Drums, and electric bass

Thanks, hope to hear from you all!

tap track not working

I recently bought a PreSonus firepod, I upgraded the software to Cubase sx which is an option with the LE.

when i have the set device as the output speaker on my laptop the click track works, but when i change the device to the PreSonus i can get audio out of the main cr output and the headphone jack, but the click track does not work.

Anyone encounter this problem before?

Production Values Today...Compared to Yesterday

I'm sure I'm going to get flamed for this, but..

what do people like so much about the Abbey Road kick sound? or the entire recording for that matter.

Maybe it's because I'm young (19) but I just don't get it. I listen to it and to me it just sounds so. weak. It sounds distant, or something.