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DPA 4003 vs. (DPA 4006TL New files) on pipeorgan.


I have tried sennheisers new mic MKH 8020 now in afternoon, and this is what we recorded.
Next week I shall try DPA:s 4003 and 4006TL side by side on my tripodstand and make a interesting A-B test.

Something about the Sennheiser mic, i think its a weery good mic :)

It will become interesting to compare Sennheiser MKH 8020 against DAP:s 4003 and 4006TL

Large Diaphragm condenser for choirs/orch/etc.


Well... I'd like a few suggestions on Large Diaphragm condensers. Basically, I need something to record choirs and orchestras, and possibly concert bands with. Also, as a Mid mic for M/S recording. I was only hoping to spend $100 - $200... but it looks like I would have to spend a minimum of $600 to get a quality mic! However, I've been looking at the following:

MOYU UltraLite

I am upgrading from a Tascam 2 channel interface - looking at MOTU UltraLite. I am assuming this will allow me to record > 2 channels simultaneously. (Is this correct?)
Will the channels appear in the recording software(CUBASE SE-3) configuration panels as 1-8 etc?
And are the preamps as good as in the larges MOTU units?

Thanks for any insight...