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Recording Loud Metal Vocals - Not Growls


G'day All,

I'm recording second album and due to producer moving, I've decided to take on the production myself.

I have a great Guitar, Bass and Drum sound and just about to work on Vocals, (pre-production is finished.)

I'm using Nuendo and looking to get a decent mic and mic preamp to record with, have a great room - just need the vocal hardware.

cleaning up vocal recording


I need help in figuring out how, if possible, to clean up the echo sounds in a vocal recording. I have some recorded vocals and they sound good when listened to through regular speakers, but when listend to through head phones the echo of the room they were recorded in really stands out and sounds awful. Is there a way to remove that in software?

Best Preamp and Comp for vocals with a u87ai


I'm considering a Neve 1073, and a UA 1176LN compressor. Any idea how this signal path would sound with a u87ai on vocals. Recording mainly rap, reggae and r&b vocals.

Any recomendations for the u87 mic? preamps or comps.

I currently use the Avalon 737sp. I got some extra cash now and i know i can get something a lot better out there.
honest advice please.

Looking for a good vocal booth ONLY


I posted a wee message in the recording section thingy place!

But didnt really get an answer. I need to record vocals ina decent vocal booth and then take home to mix onmy G5 Logic pro 7 system as I cant geta decent vocal sound at home!.

Does anyone kno where in London I can rent a vocal booth or small decent sounding room for a resonable price 4 to 8 hours?
