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 Example on micing an acoustic guitar using an SDC pointed at the 12th fret

Micing an acoustic guitar

Micing suggestions

Hi I am starting work on some recordings for a friend soon and I am looking for some Micing suggestions regarding a beyer m-160 ribbon mic

The stuff we will be working on is acoustic guitar and vocals mainly. A kind of slightly folky slight nick cave kind of feel. The guitar is mainly fingerpicking so its not too loud. We will be recording the vocals separately.

bass mixing idea

I didn't know where else to put this, so here goes...As Davedog and others may know, I've had issues with getting a decent bass sound on my tracks. Many reasons for this, won't re-hash them here. Anyway! Friend of mine suggests to me, since this bass player is all over the fret-board, low to mid to high and such, why not think of it like a keyboard? Take the bass track, make two copies.

Help with vocal/guitar recording technique

i'm fairly new to recording, but i've put together a very small home studio to record some of the groups i'm in. most of the research i've read online says when it comes to the quality of recording, use your ears. the biggest problem with that, as both a musician and being the one recording, is that your ears can lie to you