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Content based around the acoustic guitar

Micing acoustic guitar

I've been told that, with the mics I have (two knockoff Oktava MK012's), a good way to mic an acoustic guitar is to put one mic about 5 inches away perpendicular to the 12th fret and one about 5-6 inches away pointing just to the left of the hole. This sound effective? If not, any advice? And, if so, should the levels be as high as I can get them before they peak?

Which PC interface to record acoustic guitar?

My friend wants to start using his PC for recording his acoustic guitar and vocals.
I told him to get an interface and then he should be able to download some free recording software that he can use with it.
He only needs about 2 more than 8.
What products should I recommend to him?

Trying to record Acoustic Guitar with Pc

Hi everyone. I have been trying, with no luck to record my acoustic guitar with a DM-500 dynamic microphone hooked directly to my sound blaster audigy 2 platinum sound cards front Mic in 2 input. It has a level control also. The results are terrible. From looking around on this forum it seems that I need a Preamp to do this properly. Can I use this preamp?

Acoustic guitar thru MOTU 896HD

I'm trying to get a good acoustic guitar sound while recording through my 896hd. However, I need to turn the gain up on the preamp so high that even when I'm getting a moderately good level (not clipping on my MOTU or in Logic), it sounds massively distorted, like very harsh clipping or something similar. I've tried different mics, different mic placements, different mic cords, etc.