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home studio advice for rapper


i have a home studio consisting of the Pro Tools mbox, a Studio Projects condensor mic, and decent speakers.

this is very simple, but understand that i only need to mix vocals because i am a rapper. i dont record any live instruments.

i wanted to know if there is anything else i might want to do in terms of upgrading my studio,

Need advice on mastering track levels for a compilation


I'm putting together a nine-track vinyl compilation from various artists and genres. The tracks all tend to be pretty well recorded but the levels are somewhat sporadic. I'd like to get all the tracks into a somewhat consistent zone but I'm not sure if there's a definitive method for doing so.

Any 2-track for mixdown? Advice needed...

I am considering buying a used 2-track for mixdown, instead of
the DAT or ITB that I do now. Will any reasonably well-maintained 2-track do the job (once aligned and cleaned, and perhaps relapped) of giving my mixes the warmth I need?
For instance, I see a lot of
Otari MX 5050 on Ebay. I could probably scratch together $1K
if I found the right machine.

TRICKY Situation! Help or Advice needed

hey everybody i just signed up here.
i was wondering what do you guys would be an ideal choice for a new soundcard.. already i have a few options but depending on my CPU speed, i was curious to see what you guys would think would be possible..
Im in a band and am planning to record our drummer using hopefully around 6 - 8 mics at once..