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advice mics: Audix Fusion series,OM2's etc & Shure Unidy


Hi all!

i'm new here. I've recently finished my job at a recording college and have set about starting my own fun business up for recording demo's, voice over and mainly my own electronic production. I've got a half decent set of my own mics and can borrow from old work...but I'm finding all these funky 'new' mics I previously didn't know about.

need advice on self recording

Hey gang,,,,

I'll be working on my own project while i go thru learning curve of using all my gear.

My first thought was to have a nice sized room, where i could record aswell. ( on other side away from control desk area)..

Or to have minimum recomended sized control room connected to one mid sized recording room ( guitars, vocal)

Advice on audio interface for laptop

hello there,

looking to get an interface which i can record bass guitar and turntables through onto an ibook G4. I hear that M-audio don't work well with Macs, Edirol make a couple of decent looking products but i've read some pretty unflattering things about them. Any ideas? I'm looking to keep the price below £300
