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Advice for recording a small folk style ensemble

Hi All,

Firstly, just want to say that there are some great posts going here. I've mainly been an engineer for rock/pop over the years, yet have always appreciated classical music, and I'm looking at using some classical recording techniques to record a few tracks of a group I'm currently working with.

Habitual EQ Knob Twister Needs Advice...

Since moving to mixing in my DAW flavor of the day (currently DP but my soon to accomplish os X port might change my choice) I find myself missing the old days of closing my eyes and EQ'ing with my ears not my eyes. Paragraphic EQ's can be a wonderful ancellary visual tool but a dangerous distraction as well.

Need advice on my future remote rig

I'm in the process of spec-ing a budget remote recording rig. I want to go with Pro Tools and I want to be able to record 16 channels simultaneously. I plan on running the Digi002 rack with a 1.5ghz Powerbook using the 002's ADAT input for my 8 additional channels. The idea of a small format digital mixer with an ADAT output is appealing but may be cost prohibitive.