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Help building a new sys for a friend (firepod)

My buddy asked me to build him a sys. So I figured I would start from the dig/midi interface and build computer from there.

I bought him a firepod. Now it's the Processor/MB/HD...

Can anyone recommend a MB and HD that has known compatibility with the firepod? I will buy a firewire PCI interface card...

building a house have questions on studio plans

If anyone can help me. I am building a house. I want to have a full studio incorporated into the blueprints. My question is how big should the area be. I know that i want to have a separate ctrl room, pre-pro area, a booth big enough to hold a band and some smaller vocal booths. Does anyone have any recommendations? The house is should be btw 10 and 16000sq.


I am going to rebuild my studio, and instead of recoring everything through a digital recorder and then splicing them together in Cubase I want to record directly into cubase. I was wondering what I need and I need to get the equipment as cheap as possible and as soon as possible.

Building A New DAW

My goal is to have a very quiet machine as I will be doing some tracking in the same room. This is the first computer I’ve built. Hopefully I have enough technical skill to put this thing together. :lol: After spending some time researching previous posts on RO (which have been a great source of info!), this is what I’ve come up with: