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building a custom computer ...

yea, due to the recent crash of my old computer, which was due for replacement anyway, i have made a decision to build my own custom computer. something that can withstand alot, for the fact that i spend hours on it a day. so i was wondering what you's all suggest in the way of parts an specs
i want to be able to order my parts from

thanks, ron

anyone use an all-in-one DAW with a computer based setup?

i currently use a Yamaha AW4416 workstation and love the ease of use and tactile interface etc. i would like, however, to incorporate a modest computer based system (pro-tools etc.) to allow editing and plugin flexibility. has anyone done this?
if you have, please tell me how, what you can do (control) and what you can't.

how do I hook up 2 computer screen monitors?

how do I hook up 2 computer screen monitors? My midi controller is on one wall, and my computer is on another wall, I would like to have a monitor on both walls, even if everything on both screens are the same, what are my options? is there a way to split the monitor cable? what do I need? adapters? thanks!

Good & Cheap Mixer-to-Computer connection?

Hi (again),

I've managed to buy a Soundcraft Folio SX mixer for not too much and am now trying to find the best possible way to connect it to different computers.
The thing is that not all have a soundcard with a line-in that isn't the mic-line input…

So I've started looking at the idea of USB/Firewire sound interfaces.

Do i need a computer to record music?

Do i need a computer to record. Right now i'm planning on what equipment i should get. I have a Yamaha DGX 505 keyboard and i'm looking for a digital mixer. I know i need mic i getting some dynimic mic and 1 or 2 condenser mic. Also i'm looking at some studio active monitors. Is there anything else i need besides cables? and do i have to have a computer to record? :D


Computer recording.

I currently own a M-Audio Audiophile 24/96 which i use to record into Cubase. I also own a Souncraft Spirit Folio 16/2, which i have running in stereo out to the card.
I am looking to upgrade my soundcard so that i can use the direct outs on this mixer and simultaniously record seperate tracks into cubase. E.g A drum kit, each mic recorded on a seperate track in cubase.