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Multiface converters v. other RME boxes

Hi, I was wondering if there's a big difference in the Multiface converters when compared to AD8 through a Digiface. Opinions would be greatly appreciated. I'm thinking of a Multiface along with an Apogee Mini-Me and Minidac. The RMEs would be for the rare occasion when I need more than two channels.

John Stafford

Best mastering converters?

Hi all,

i want your opinion about the best sounding ad da converters on the market these days ?

i'm a recording mastering engineer and i'm using outboard gear (tube eq's and compression) when i master and i'm using the RME ad's and they are good converters,i am satisfied with their results in recordings, but in mastering they are ok,i'm sure there are better ones

Converters and Laptop interface

Until now, I have been tracking to a Mackie hard disk recorder (SDR) and then dumping all the tracks onto my computer for editing/mixing, but I have decided that this process is too inefficient and am going to sell the recorder and record straight to the computer. So now i need an audio interface, but I'm having problems finding any that will suit my needs and price range.

Sonifex Converters (!)

Has anyone heard of these?
I just tracked using a sonifex redbox adda and its pretty incredible!
I ve used apogees, still own a swissonic ad24 (which i ll obviously be dumping) and these sound on a par with the apogees at 24 48k and MUCH better than the ad24.
I know they use sonifex da's in Cedar units but not much else. I got mine for a stunning 400£ new ...