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A digital audio workstation (DAW) is an electronic device or application software used for recording, editing and producing audio files. DAWs come in a wide variety of configurations from a single software program on a laptop, to an integrated stand-alone unit, all the way to a highly complex configuration of numerous components controlled by a central computer. Regardless of configuration, modern DAWs have a central interface that allows the user to alter and mix multiple recordings and tracks into a final produced piece.

DMX-R100 + MX-2424's + DAW = 1 or more paperweights?

So this guy wants to start up a studio. He has the Sony console, the Tascam recorders, the Neve pre's, a few outboard units (TC verb, etc...), and money for the location/DAW/extra equipment/a few months rent. He wants my acquaintence to run this run/engineer/produce/get coffee? at the completed studio dependably and full-time for a 50/50 sort of deal profitwise.

DAW delay in picking up signal

Hey everyone,

I just recorded some fantastic drum tracks using Cubase on a G5 that has incredible processing power and memory...
the problem I'm having right now is that in trying to overdub some guitar parts there is a delay before Cubase reads the signal and so the drums and guitar are not in sync...
I think it has to do with either :

New PC as a Daw... and 4anything else. Possible? Please help

Hi everybody i'm new here. Excuse if my english is not perfect, i am from Spain.

I'm a Dj and i'm going start producing with Cubase SX / Reason (maybe Logic 5.5). I have a PIII 600 that is dying and i need a new PC. But sadly i don't have enough money nor room to get 2 pc's (one for DAW other for gaming, internet etc).

DAW's and truly professional results?

When Bad Company, the Beatles, the Stones, Neil Young, The Who, Van Halen, etc, etc all made those classic recordings in the 60's, 70's and 80's, they used studios employing technology that was primitive compared to the average $1,500 DAW you can buy on Musician's Friend nowadays, right? Or wrong?

If it's digital...isn't it going to reproduce perfectly?

looking for a mixer to use in daw mixdowns

hello everyone, i've been trying to mixdown in daw software for years now, and i hate it. completely. in the next year or so i would like to get a mixer that i can use to apply eq and mixdown using contols that i am comfortable with. i really don't care to learn any control surfaces, so i'm not really considering one for this purpose.