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A digital audio workstation (DAW) is an electronic device or application software used for recording, editing and producing audio files. DAWs come in a wide variety of configurations from a single software program on a laptop, to an integrated stand-alone unit, all the way to a highly complex configuration of numerous components controlled by a central computer. Regardless of configuration, modern DAWs have a central interface that allows the user to alter and mix multiple recordings and tracks into a final produced piece.

DAW vs portable multitracker, please help a newbie

Hi guys, new guy here.

I'm currently using a Korg D16 and I'm ready for something better to record our band. Don't need pro quality, but would obviously like to get the best I can afford. My budget is $1500~$2K.

As the title suggests, I'm torn between a new stand-alone workstation, which I'm quite comfy with, or a DAW, which I know nothing about.

Two DAWs - which one would you choose? Big_D or AKD, please?

Hi there.

I'm new to this forum and am pretty excited i found it, 'cause i'm planning to build a new DAW for a small project studio i'm setting up at my place.

While reading some threads, I realised that lots of people have similar questions concerning their DAWs. So I'm coming up with such a question, again... :D

New to Pro Tools so i need a new DAW.

i just had made the switch to the venerable Protools.
but my computer is 4 years old an AMD with 1 gig ram 80gb HD.
I've been watching the Digidesign site about support and want to build my own daw.

so can you give me some advice please, about what processor to use amd or intel or anithing else?

thank you

Which DAW company is the best?

Okay guys, I'm going to be ordering my first DAW system. I'm not the Build-it-yourself type guy, so I am going to have it custom ordered. What DAW manufacturers would you guys recommend to get the best quality, price, and support from? Also, I'm pretty much set on getting a PC. I've been a PC user all my life, so for me it's what I'm accustomed to.

Building a new DAW. Any good Mobo that I should go for?

Well, I'm going to build a new DAW soon.
I've built a few "ANUS"-machines a few years ago.
Always going for the Asus mobo's with i845, i865 or i875 chipset with Northwood P4's CPU. ( Socket 478 )
Matrox G550 or Radeon9200SE (on the buget models) Videocards.
Seagate and Western Digital HD's with 8 Mb cache.