Playback delays in Pro Tools
I'm trying to record and electric guitar on Pro Tools 7 and I'm getting a split second delay in playback when I strum the guitar. This is making playing to click track and recording on time impossible. I have the guitar plugged into a POD XTLive stompbox, then throught an Mbox 2 USB to the computer. I'm listening through headphones.
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Delay units
Anybody have a Lexicon 95 Primetime II Delay unit? I wanted to know if they are still worth the investment?
Also, I noticed the Lexicon PCM units are re-selling for a little cheaper now adays. Well, at least quite a bit less than for what they sell for new.
And is there a reason behind the lower re-selling price for these units.
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DUMB DELAYS! how do I use it?
hey, I'm using Pro Tools plugins with the original plug=ins it came with. Basically, I'm wanting the words in my chorus to echo once or twice, and be on time. usually, I have to copy the track onto another track, movie it a grid later, and turn it down, so that it has the echo effect. I know there has got to be an easier way to do this.
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Calculating Delay in Spot Microphones
Is there some formula to calculate the adjustment of delay necessary between the main pair and spot microphones, i.e. x milliseconds of delay for y distance?
I believe the other technique is to clap hands in front the spot microphone and use the wave editor to line up the spike between the mains and the spot. Is this correct?
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At what point should I use speaker delays?
Hello all,
This is my first post.
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Phase shift = delay ! (?)
My understanding is that a phase shift is really a shift in time. If we have two sine waves, one beginning half a cycle after the other (180 degree phase shift), this would cause them to cancel each other. So all we need to do is move one of these signals in time to avoid this from happening.
Does this make sense ?
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any tips on delays, reverbs, and effects like that...
i'm doin' hip hop. any tips/tricks on delays and reverbs and junk?
tape delay plugin
i know there are dozen of virtual tape delays out there. but i was looking for a good echoplex sounding delay, in plugin form.
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Help- Just got new soundcard, now there is delay when i play
I used to record using a v-amp 2 into a Creative MP3+ external sound card, into my laptop.
Today i got a Creative 24bit Live! external... plugging the v-amp2 to the sound card then into the PC.
When i play there is a slight delay, that annoying delay that you get if you use software effects for instance...
Delaying Only Sibilance?
Hi guys
A little trick I hear on a lot of Ryan Adams records and other mellow roots stuff includes putting a delay on just the s's and t's of the vocal... has a nice ambient effect.
I imagine they're boosting certain frequencies in whatever their sending to the delay, but I haven't been able to quite figure it out.
Any tips?
(FYI: I'm on Pro Tools)
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