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plugin or hardware dynamics


just wondering what the peeps are using a lot of these days.

I know there old, but i just can't seem to get enough of the Focusrite 6 band EQ, and I almost always start compressing with the fairchild 660.
for limiting, i like the plain jane digirack limiter II.
has anyone used the new III series?

oh yeah, as if i need to say it I'm using Pro Tools.

Focusrite ISA Prepack

I was wondering what all you vets thought of this unit. I am thinking of adding one to my studio set up as the front end of a 002 LE system. Currently the only other out board pre I have is an ART MPA Gold so I am looking to make an investment toward some more gear. At ~$400 per a channel this looks like a good deal but the real question is: does it "sound" like a good deal?

Suggestions on GREAT pre for voice work. Voxbox/Focusrite 7?

Hello, anybody out there have an opinion on either a Manley Voxbox or Focusrite 7? I've worked with the Manley Dual before, I loved how it sounded. Since I have a very low register, I was looking for a preamp, that can add that certain sparkle/sizzle to my voice...