Making a single guitar recording stereo?
I've been browsing, and gotten some decent ideas (some of which I've used before) on how to make this work, but there's something still wanting.
Unfortunately, it's just not feasible to do any double tracking at this point.
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Guitar amp cabinet question
I'd like suggestions for a guitar amp extension speaker cabinet that I could use to isolate my Matchless Hurricane (15 amp) or Fender Blues Jr. (after adding a speaker out jack). I'd be using it for jazz, folk, county, and blues right now. This would be used primarily for recording so I'd like it to be a single speaker and either have no grille cloth or a removable grille.
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Long runs from guitar to amp
In lieu of building a guitar amp isolation cabinet I was thinking of putting the amp in another room that has pretty good isolation. (Specifically a well isolated wine cellar. Not sure how the music will affect the wine.) This would entail a pretty long cable run.
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getting more spread in guitars
hey everyone. i hope this is the right spot for this question but here it goes. I noticed even when i double track guitars, one hard left, and one hard right, it still doesnt sound as wide as most CDs i pop in the CD player. Im not quite sure what else I can do to really thicken/widen the guitar sound when recording (ps.
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Recording and mixing acoustic guitar with two mics?
Hi, I'm new round here.
my guitars sound like ****
I've been workin on this cover to try and learn how to use my gear. So far, everything has been sounding great! But now that I am on guitar, I can't seem to get it to sound good at all. It sounds like a muddy mess, and no matter what I do it will not cooperate.
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HELP! Want to record guitar and vocals at the same time.
Hi, I'm an 18 year old hoping to be a sound engineer. I used to do a lot of hip hop recordings but now I've switched my style into rock and acoustic. I recently just purchased a Joemeek Six Q preamp and although it's fun to use to record vocals, I want to also be able to record vocals and guitar playing together.
Recording Electric guitar on Laptop?
Hello, I have a Sony Vaio Laptop (8gb ram, Vista 64, 2.5ghz core2 duo), it's powerful enough for photoshop and my other work, but unfortunately I have had no luck recording, it must have a crummy soundcard? Any way, I want to try my hand at recording some guitar stuff again.
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Jazz guitar sound mixing
Hi! Please help me in the following: I have an Epiphone Broadway hollow jazz guitar, used with flat wound Tomastic strings, pluged into a Fender Concert full tube amp, and I use a little of the mechanik reverb into it. Have a big membran condenser microphone for the amp. I have a Boss GT8 effect pedal too.
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Mics for vocal/guitar recording
Hello there,
I was wondering if anyone can suggest a couple of mics that i can use for recording acoustic guitar and voice at home. Something with good quality but not too expensive. How many do I need? etc.
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