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which compressor for vocals and acoustic guitar?

I'm recording for myself, vocals and acoustic guitar. It's slow mellow music, with a theory of a deadman type voice.

Wondering what compressor to start with...

I'm planning to purchase:

api512c preamps
Blue blueberry mic for vocals OR Neumann 49 or 67 .
Blue Woodpecker for my acoustic guitar.

now i have to choose a compressor...

Tracking acoustic guitar this morning

Hi everyone. I have a client/friend coming over today to record acoustic guitar and then some vocals. I want to get the best tracks possible obviously and I have made some recordings in the past with acoustic that arent too bad. Let me just tell you what I've got and maybe you can tell me my best options. I have a Tascam DM-4800 and a single UA LA-610 for pres.

Mixing rock guitar solos

Any general advice on how best to mix a guitar solo for modern rock ala Sevendust and heavier styles. I'm guessing that relatively narrow frequency bands are best suited for this. Last time I recorded an entire CD, I know that solo mixing was a tough part of it. I did ALL kinds of volume automation to try and make things fit and it was "ok" in the end but not great.

Electric guitar-Recording direct via preamp?

Hello, this is my first post here. I decided to join to learn more about recording. I am an enthusiastic beginner, but limited in resources and experience, so I hope others will tolerate my questions which are apt to be basic. I just read Mastering Audio by Katz, and am almost finished Behind the Glass. Both were good reads, and I think I learned something from the simpler parts.

Mic combination for Vocal & Acoustic guitar

Okay so I'm looking mic vocals and acoustic guitar. This doesn't have to be at the same time, though the option would be nice.

I was intending to buy an AT4033 for the vocals but keep getting told the AT4050 provides more options (not just cardioid etc).

Also I was thinking of a stereo matched pair of NT55s. I could also then use these on other things e.g. drum overheads.