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IS there a BOOK / WEBSITE covering vintage pro audio gear?

Is there a book/website that meticulously covers vintage pro audio equipment (analogous to a history of marshall amplifiers book, or ampwares - the fender amp website - specifications, materials, transformers, etc.) BUT for mic preamps, compressors, eq's, consoles, analog tape machines, etc.

Help me spread this gear around. Kinda new to acoustic music

To all you acoustic recordists. I mostly do rock/pop etc but I have a classical acoustic gig coming up. ( I've done several of these in he past but I'm always trying to get better). I was wondering if you could help me spread this gear around. So out of this list of gear what would you use where? The sessions will be

Dilemma...more gear or Moulton Labs Golden Ears?

I've come to the point that I think it might be pointless for me to keep spending money on gear, and not enough time on training my ears.

I was going to buy another low price preamp (VTB-1) or Moulton Labs Golden Ears. I'm thinking that being able to use my ears more effectively will be the better buy. What do you think?

Has anyone tried out the Golden Ears product?

Routing gear Digidesign 002

Right now I have: Mackie HR824's, Behringer HR400 headphone amp, dbx376, Bellari RP503, BBE 882, (2) RNP/RNC. As of now the BBE isn't even connected to the 002, and the RNP/RNC's aren't connected to the outs, so I can't use them as inserts in Pro Tools. I plan on getting two more pre's/compressors and another channel strip within the next few weeks.


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