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Recording guitar, vocals, cello, violin LIVE with 2 mics?


I'm recording a songwriter with 1 large condenser; vocals and acoustic guitar. Also, I'm Micing a cello, and a violin with a RODE ntg-2 shotgun. I'm running both into a Zoom H4N recorder. 

Here's a mock-up of how I intend to set up. Nix the back-up singers. Any ideas or tips?
Much appreciated!

Distorted guitar .. compression?

Guys I must consult you once more.. Sorry for asking so many damn questions but I have a lot to learn :P

I was just wondering.. in relation to distorted guitars .. I always avoid compression as much as I can but lately even though I am recording with a valve amp and everything sounds wonderful solo it lacks that cutting edge to really push through properly.. so ..


Recording Vocals with an Acoustic Guitar


Being primarily a solo artist I do my best singing while playing the Acoustic guitar. This creates a problem when I record as my Vocal track picks up artifacts from my guitar. In an effort to get as CLEAN a vocal track as possible I have tried Noise Gates, EQ and any other method I could think of to reduce the guitar in the vocal track.